
Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association (NARSA) Constitution

This is the constitution of the Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association (NARSA).


The OBJECTS of the Association shall be to

Organise an annual exhibition, at which member Amateur Radio Societies and commercial organisations may display various aspects of the hobby.  Further the cause of Amateur Radio in any other ways it sees fit.

MEMBERSHIP of the Association shall be open to any organised Amateur Radio group, subject to the approval of the Committee. In the event of unsatisfactory conduct of any group, they may be expelled from the Association by resolution of any ordinary meeting. Notice of the resolution must be given in the notice calling the meeting.

An ANNUAL AFFILIATION FEE shall be fixed and payable at the AGM.

The AFFAIRS of the association shall be conducted by an ELECTED COMMITTEE of not less than THREE persons.

Affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs are required to elect and name one REPRESENTATIVE who would, or his deputy, be expected to attend the associations Open Meetings and the AGM.

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held within the 12 months following the annual exhibition. The purpose of the AGM shall be:

To approve the previous years proceedings.
To elect the Committee for the coming year
To modify, if necessary, the Constitution

An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING may be called by written instruction to the Secretary, by 50% or more of the Affiliated Amateur Radio Groups. The Secretary must then call the EGM to be held within ONE MONTH of receiving notification. The EGM shall have all the powers of the AGM.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS shall be held periodically for the purpose of administrating the Association.

ORDINARY or OPEN MEETINGS shall be held as necessary to keep the membership informed. TWO WEEKS notice shall be given, in writing, to each member group. The venue of the meetings shall be decided by the Committee.

The ASSETS of the Association shall be lodged at a bank to be decided by the Committee. Cheques shall be signed by any two of the following:

Chairman  /  Secretary  /  Treasurer

At the end of the year, sufficient funds shall be retained to finance the next years exhibition. Remaining funds may be used to benefit member Amateur Radio groups subject to approval of an Ordinary or Open Meeting.

A REGISTER OF EQUIPMENT owned by the Association shall be maintained by the Committee.

The COMMITTEE shall be elected at the A.G.M. by the member Amateur Radio Societies present. The Committee shall consist of the following:

CHAIRMAN – who shall conduct all meetings and be a joint signatory to the Associations bank account.

SECRETARY – to write the MINUTES OF ALL MEETINGS, deal with correspondence, call all meetings and be a joint signatory to the Associations bank account.

TREASURER – to keep account of the Associations bank account and general finances, to prepare an annual balance sheet, to collect the annual affiliation fees and to be a joint signatory to the Associations bank account.

The COMMITTEE may co-opt additional members for any special duties if it so requires.

In the event of a decision to WIND UP THE AFFAIRS of the Association, the assets, after settlement of any outstanding debts, shall be distributed equally amongst all Amateur Radio Clubs affiliated within the last TWO years.

A copy of this CONSTITUTION shall be available to any member Amateur Radio Society.

This copy of the Constitution was amended due to changes agreed at the 1995 AGM by the then current Secretary C. Thacker G6MEI on the 13 July 1995. It replaces the previous constitution prepared on 14 June 1981 by C.D. Wycherley-Marcroft G4JAG (the then Secretary) after the last Constitutional changes.

Copyright © 1995 – Northern Amateur Radio Society Association.